While climate change refers to the affect of global warming on our earth, at the moment, I’m wondering about its effect on local business. A balmy 50 degrees on a Wednesday in mid-February, the phones aren’t much ringing and it doesn’t seem like folks are in the mood to conduct business. What’s more, there are feet of snow dumping on the east, making it tough for those customers to focus on business.
In these crazy times of change, it’s important to put on our game faces and quickly adapt to the switch-ups in business trends caused by the global climate, local business climate and whims of our customers. Innovative marketing solutions are afoot; businesses need to embrace fresh marketing strategies and stay in front of their competitors. Social marketing has arrived, and is inexpensive to implement and a great way to communicate with customers and generate new leads. Eblast marketing allows you to communicate with target sectors and analyze the content they are most interested in reading about. Content marketing allows you to maintain relevant information on your website in order to stay atop of the search engines. We are all in this together, so let’s start making plans for success. Call us for a few simple solutions.